Thursday, February 24, 2011

Egg Drop Competition!

Yesterday was Egg Drop Competition Day! Our team had a very successful run. Our container weighed in at 143.2 grams, the dimensions of our container (l/w/h) were 20cm by 13cm by 7.5cm. The time of the fall was 0.87 seconds and the distance of the fall was 5 meters. Our egg shell was intact after the competition and our total egg points earned was 139.7!

Here is a photo of Kris and I right before we dropped the egg!

Happy Egg = Happy Jon

Our Egg Drop Vehicle!
We didn't run into any problems with the limitations, however, I feel that being able to use a parachute would have improved our design and it might have enabled us to make a lighter container.

I feel that the most effective part of our design was that it is compact. Because of this characteristic, the egg wasn't able to move around in the container, thus diminishing the risk of it cracking. I feel that the least effective part of this design was weight. If we could have found a way to make a vehicle that was lighter, we would have earned more egg points.

In order for our container to safely support two eggs, we would just have to cut out another holder for the second egg. It would sit beside our first egg and hopefully have the same positive outcome as using one egg.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Post Number 3!

Today our group tested our Egg Drop Vehicle. We only broke two eggs! The first egg broke because it slipped out of my partner's hand. The second egg broke because we got a little too confident and decided to drop our vehicle down two flights of stairs - that wasn't a good idea! We made a few changes to our vehicle (hot glue and bubble wrap) and now it is working consistently. The five meter drop hasn't killed an egg yet with our vehicle.  Hopefully we'll have the same luck on competition day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

40S Physics

Today, similar to yesterday, we reviewed the dangers of posting personal information on the internet. We then learned how to add a ClustrMap to our blog. We did some more formatting to our blogs then commented on other classmate's blogs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

40S Physics

Today we viewed a video on the dangers of posting personal information on the internet. We then discussed the importance of carefully choosing what we will post on the internet. We then edited our blogs and became followers of our classmate's blogs.